Shrimp mashed with hot rice, water comes to the tongue as soon as you hear it. If the leaves are stuffed, the food is frozen, along with a dried pepper and onion, busy! The weakness towards Bharta is nothing new to Bengalis. It is also the tradition of the Bengalis to fill the post of bahari. But many people say that making a mess at home is a problem! You can easily make mashed potatoes with shrimp. And we just like shrimp. Let's not know the recipe of powdered shrimp paste.

How to make powdered shrimp paste

  1.     Small shrimp - 250 grams
  2.     Onion sprouts - 1/2 cup
  3.     Onion crumbs - 1 tablespoon
  4.     Garlic - 4 cloves
  5.     Dried pepper - 3
  6.     Coriander leaves - 3 tablespoons
  7.     Mustard oil - 2 tablespoons
  8.     Cumin powder kept in the oven - 1/2 teaspoon
  9.     Salt - Quantitative

Powdered shrimp mashed recipe

1) First select the shrimp and wash it well. Can keep with peel.

2) Then the shrimps should be fried in mustard oil. This oil will be filled so that the shrimp will have a sweet smell.

3) In the pan, fry the onion sprouts, dried chillies, crushed garlic cloves and onion sprouts well in the remaining mustard oil. Many people prefer green pepper flavor in the mash, they can give green pepper instead of dried pepper.

4) Now make a paste in a mixer grinder with the rest of the fried ingredients including cumin powder. Even if it is not very fine. If you want, you can cut the shill nora or patta.

Not so easy! Funny shrimp mash was made instantly. Before serving, grease the bata shrimp with coriander leaves and shrimp fried mustard oil. This stuffing will go great with hot rice.

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