Steak is one of the favorite dishes of the present generation. Steaks are eaten at restaurants, and steaks have now taken their place in the kitchens of tasteful Bengalis. It is always eaten with beef and chicken, have you tried it with fish? Fish steak on Bengali leaves in fish and rice, a combination of foreign cooking with Bengali! Always try to cook the fish in a new style without roasting or eating it in curry, it will cut the monotony of taste. Making steak with fish takes less time and materials. Perfect for those looking for instant recipes in a busy life. If you have big fish in the fridge, you can try steak today. Let's not know the whole process of making fish steak.

Rules for making fish steak


  1. • Large fish belly - 4 pieces (fish with less thorns should be taken such as coral, vhetki or ayr)
  2. • Salt - Quantitative
  3. Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon
  4. Butter - 3 tablespoons
  5. Black pepper powder - 1 teaspoon
  6. Garlic juice - 1 teaspoon
  7. • Soy sauce- little
  8. Vinegar- little

Preparation method

1) First smear the fish pieces with black pepper powder, garlic juice and salt. If you have more time on hand, you can marinate for 30 minutes. It will taste good.

2) Then heat the frying pan in the oven and add butter. When the butter is melted, add the fish pieces in it. Fry on low heat.

3) When one side is lightly fried, turn it over carefully. See that it does not burn. Fry 3/4 times on each side for 1 minute, it will not fry too much or become hard.

4) Now add lemon juice, a little soy sauce and vinegar. Many people like the flavor of garlic with butter, the smell is found in Chinese authentic dishes, in which case you can avoid vinegar and soy sauce.

Busy, hot fish steak was made. Not too easy? It can be served with stewed vegetables, fried rice or soup. Very simple recipe but healthy and tasty. For those who are on a diet, who do not want to eat oily-spicy foods, but quite a good option.

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