Mutton is a unique name in the world of food. A variety of items made with mutton tops the list of food lovers' favorites. Today we will know the recipe of a fun dish made with this mutton. Mutton stick roll. Let's not know how to make this fun mutton stick roll.

Mutton stick roll making method

Mutton stick roll making method


  1.      Khasir meat without bones - 1/2 kg
  2.      Ginger paste - 2 tablespoons
  3.      Garlic paste - 2 tablespoons
  4.     Hot spices - 1/2 table spoon
  5.      Turmeric powder - 1/2 teaspoon
  6.      Chili powder - 1/2 teaspoon
  7.      Tokadai - 3 tablespoons
  8.      Lemon juice - 3 tablespoons
  9.      Salt- like quantity
  10.      Eggs - 1
  11.      Bread - 1
  12.     Olive oil - 1 tablespoon
  13.      Chaat masala- like quantity
  14.     Onion - sliced
  15.      2 green chillies
  16.      Coriander leaves - like quantity

Mutton roll making method

(1) In a bowl, first take the meat of Khasi and marinate it one by one by mixing Adabata, Rasunbata, Haludgura, Chili Powder, Hot Spices, Lemon Juice and Sour Yogurt.

(2) Then the marinated mutton should be kept in the fridge. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours.

(3) Then heat three tablespoons of oil in a pan and fry the mutton for 1 minute. When it is folded, it should be taken down.

(4) Heat 3 tablespoons of oil in a flat pan and break an egg on it with a loaf of bread. Then fold it over low heat.

(5) When it is folded, take the bread out of the pan and put folded mutton on it.

(8) Put mutton on the bread and put onion slices, green chilli powder, coriander powder and chaat masala on it.

(6) Then roll the bread.

Fun mutton stick roll was made. A roll made with bread can be cut in half. This hot roll can also be served with chillies or tomato sauce if desired.

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