It’s hard to find people who don’t like to eat chicken or chicken. We eat many kinds of items made with chicken. We keep an item of chicken in everything from ceremonies or hospitality. Today we will tell you how to cook a fun chicken salted fries made with chicken. Let's not know the whole recipe for cooking this fun dish.

How to make chicken salted fries

Easy chicken salt fries recipe


  1.     Chicken cut into small pieces - 500 gms
  2.     Tomato sauce - 1/2 cup
  3.     Tomato sprouts - 1/2 cup
  4.     Chili sauce - 2 tablespoons
  5.     Chili slices - 4-5
  6.     Garlic paste - 1 teaspoon
  7.     Ginger paste - 2 teaspoons
  8.     Oil - 1/2 cup
  9.     Tokadai - 3 tablespoons
  10.     Onion - 1 cup
  11.     Powdered pepper - 2 teaspoons
  12.     Bay leaves - 2-3
  13.     Coriander leaves - quantity

Chicken salted fries recipe

1. First put oil in a pan and first put bay leaves in it.

2. Then one by one you have to remove all the spices.

3. Now add tomato paste and tokadai and cook on low heat.

4. When it is cooked, stir it a little with chicken and cover it with onion.

5. When the meat is cooked, add tomato sauce, chili sauce, green chilli slices and coriander leaves.

Became a fun chicken salty fries. This delicious item can be served with polao, rice, naan or parotta.

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