How many of us do something to lose weight! Many people stop eating and drinking forever! Some people want to dry out in a few days by exercising excessively.

2 Organic healthy Weight Loss Drinks recipe at home

You have to keep everything within a limit and move forward with patience. And weight loss is a matter of time and patience!


1) Black Seed and Ginger Drink

Today I will talk about a very healthy and healthy drink to help you lose weight. It contains-

Kalojira- Helps to lose weight by lowering blood sugar, keeps cholesterol balanced and controls type-2 diabetes.

Ginger- It helps in burning fat. It also lowers migraine pain, muscle pain, cholesterol and blood sugar and helps maintain heart health.

Mint - In addition to reducing headaches, stress, muscle pain, etc., reduces appetite and reduces calories.

Lemon - Prevents kidney stones, improves skin and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke and lower blood pressure. It contains anti-oxidants, which prevent weight gain.

Honey eliminates cold problems, heals wounds, enhances immunity, lowers blood sugar and helps in weight loss.

Green tea reduces metabolism, burns fat, reduces the risk of dental infections, type-2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.


Let's go straight to the recipe.



    Kalojira - 1 tbsp
    Ginger powder - 1 teaspoon
    Mint leaves - 2 sticks
    Green tea- one teaspoon of a bag or leaf
    Honey - 1 tablespoon
    Lemon - half of one
    Water - 3 mugs



In a bowl, boil black cumin, ginger powder, mint leaves and lemon in water and add 2 mugs. Then lower and store one mug for dinner. Fill another mug and mix green tea, lemon juice and honey in it to make a drink. If the green tea is leafy, immerse the mixture in a strainer (made of small steel, available in the market) for 5 minutes. Busy! Ready!

Playing it on an empty stomach in the morning and at night gives great results in weight loss.


2) Apple cider vinegar and cinnamon

Now let's know the recipe of another weight loss drink.

Its main ingredient is apple cider vinegar. It reduces appetite, lowers blood sugar levels, burns fat and improves metabolism.

There is also cinnamon powder which lowers blood sugar and reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes. Its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties help in weight loss.



    Water - 1 glass
    Apple cider vinegar-1 tsp.
    Honey-1/2 tsp.
    Lemon juice - 1/2 tsp.
    Cinnamon powder - 1/4 tsp.



Mix all the ingredients together and drink it on an empty stomach every morning. The water should be of normal temperature. Eat with a straw so that it does not hurt the teeth.

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