Not if there is no jelly or jam with bread on the breakfast table! What if you could make a fun and healthy jam at home and refrigerate it without any hassle? We often see the news of mixing low quality dyes or harmful chemicals in market jams or jellies. We can make jam at home thinking about the health of everyone in the family. We all like strawberries. Just as it is easy to make jam with strawberries, it is also fun to eat with bread. Let's not know the whole recipe for making strawberry jam.


How to make strawberry jam
Strawberry jam ingredients

  1.     Fresh strawberries - 500 g
  2.     Lemon juice - 20 grams
  3.     -300 grams of sugar

Preparation of strawberry jam

1) First you have to wash the strawberries well and cut them into small pieces.

2) Now put the strawberries in a pan in the oven on a low flame. Can give a little water.

3) After a while it will continue to melt. When the strawberries are melted, add sugar. Stir well so that it does not burn.

4) After giving sugar, the juice or water coming out of the strawberry will feel sticky.

5) Keep stirring the mixture well. When it becomes thick, turn off the oven with lemon juice.

6) Cool and put in a glass jar. Then put it in the fridge.

Strawberry Jam Ready! You see, with a few ingredients, you can make a great flavored jam without any color or preservatives. It will stay good in the fridge for up to 1 week.

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