Deep fried prawns we usually eat a lot in restaurants. This yummy appetizer dish can be made at home if you want. It can be easily enjoyed with soup or fried rice. Let's not look at the recipe then.

Rules for cooking deep fried prawns


  1.     Shrimp Medium Size - 300g (with head and shell peeled)
  2.     Salt - Quantitative
  3.     Pepper powder - a small amount
  4.     Red chilli powder - 1/2 teaspoon
  5.     Ginger-garlic paste- 1/2 teaspoon
  6.     Flour - 1/2 cup
  7.     Bread crumbs - 1/2 cup
  8.     Eggs - 1


1) Shrimp should be cut into small pieces with a knife. Now you have to rub it a little bit with your fingers in reverse.

2) Now mix the fish with salt, black pepper powder, red chilli powder, ginger-garlic paste.

3) Then you have to beat the eggs. Now roll the shrimps one by one in flour, then dip them in eggs and wrap them in bread crumbs. Do it all this way.

4) Heat oil in a pan over high heat and leave the shrimps in it. Fold until light brown. When done, take it down.

Enjoy the delicious deep fried prawn dish.

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