bhindi is a very nutritious vegetable. It is rich in anti-oxidants, folic acid, fiber and various vitamins. Potatoes boost the body's immune system, aid digestion and control cholesterol. Usually we are accustomed to eating potato after frying. But there are many more fun recipes for potato! One such item is masala potato. Potato masala curry with potatoes made from a mixture of different spices is as delicious to eat as the recipe is quite simple. Then without hesitation, find out the recipe for making masala  bhindi !

Method of making masala potato


  1.  bhindi - 250 grams
  2.     Potatoes - 2
  3.     Onion sprouts - 1/2 cup
  4.     Turmeric powder - 1 teaspoon
  5.     Red chilli powder - 1 teaspoon
  6.     4 pieces of green chillies
  7.     Salt- to taste
  8.     Cumin powder - 1/2 teaspoon
  9.     Coriander powder - 1/2 teaspoon
  10.     Oil - 3 teaspoons

Preparation method

1) First cut the potatoes and potatoes in the shape of your choice. When cut into small pieces, the vegetables will mix well with the spices. Wash the potato before cutting, it becomes very slippery after cutting!

2) Put the pan in the oven and let the oil heat up. Keep the stove on medium heat.

3) When the oil is hot, add the chopped potatoes and potatoes. Sprinkle a little salt and turmeric powder and keep stirring.

4) Fry the vegetables very well. Once fried, put them in a container.

5) Now lightly fry the onion in the oil. Then add chilli powder, salt, turmeric powder, cumin powder and coriander powder.

6) Add a little water to it and remove the spices well. Take a little time and cook on a low flame, it is good to test any masala item.

7) Mix the fried potatoes and potatoes with spices. Shake well and cover with a lid and cook.

6) After ten minutes, open the lid and see if the vegetables are cooked! Potatoes are cooked but do not take long.

9) When the vegetables are smeared with spices, spread slices of green chillies and turn off the stove. Bysa, masala potato was made!

So you see, even with a little ingredients, fun and healthy dishes can be cooked. Now serve hot masala potato with hot rice. If you have the ingredients at hand, try the recipe today!

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