Mutton leg roast Recipe

mutton leg roast recipe pakistani step by step

When you hear the name Polao-Roast, the festive mood comes. We eat any meat roast with polao. Today we will see how to make Khasir Pier Roast. Let's see what ingredients are needed to make this roast.

Roast spice ingredients

  1.     Small cardamom - 5
  2.     Large cardamom - 2
  3.     Bay leaves - 2
  4.     Cinnamon - 2 pieces
  5.     Long - 10
  6.     Black pepper - half a teaspoon
  7.     Kebab sugar - half a teaspoon
  8.     Cumin - 1 teaspoon
  9.     Fennel - 1 teaspoon
  10.     Royal cumin - half a teaspoon
  11.     Coriander - 1 tablespoon
  12.     Nutmeg - 1
  13.     Jayatri - 2 grams (approximate)

Roast Cooking Ingredients

  1.     Khasir run - weighing 1 kg
  2.     Ghee - 1 cup
  3.     Yogurt - 1/2 cup
  4.     Bata with pap skin - 2 tablespoons
  5.     Dried chilli powder - 1 tbsp
  6.     Yellow powder - 1 pinch
  7.     Salt - 1 teaspoon
  8.     Ginger paste - 1 teaspoon
  9.     Garlic paste - 1 teaspoon
  10.     Boil the milk well - 0.5 cups
  11.     Almond paste - 1 tbsp
  12.     Onion sprouts - 1 cup
  13.     Poppy paste - 1 tablespoon
  14.     Potato Bokhara - 4
  15.     Raisins - 1 tablespoon
  16.     Keora water - 1 tablespoon
  17.     Rose water - 1 tablespoon


- Heat it very well with a pan and stir all the spices together. The reason for turning off the oven is that if you keep the oven burning, the spices will burn and then the whole roast will be bitter. You will know if the spices are done when it smells very nice and has a little golden color. Now take down the spices and grind them all together in a mixer while it is still hot.

- Now take the khasir run and cut it very deeply with a knife from time to time so that the spice gets inside very well.

- Let's go for marinating. In a bowl, add 1 tablespoon of sour curd, papaya paste, ginger-garlic paste, turmeric paste, red chilli powder, salt and the spices you have made. Then spread it all together. Now apply the mixture well on the meat, taking care that the spice enters the cut area very well. Now cover it well with a plastic wrap sheet. Then put it in the fridge.

- Now heat a cup of ghee in a pan very well and pour onion paste in it. Stir constantly until the onion is slightly golden in color. Now take out the meat and remove the spice mixture from the meat. Don't throw away the spices, you have to roast it later. Now take the run and put it in the pan. Cover the oven with a lid and cook for five minutes. Now lower the lid and turn the meat over, wait again with the lid on for five minutes. Both sides are cooked very well. When it is done, you will see that the meat has a very nice color and the meat is slightly wrinkled. Now add poppy paste, almond paste and the spice of marinade. Grate a few tomatoes. Now mix everything well. Now add hot milk to it. Since the meat run is large, it can be dried from one side to the other. So after a while the gravy should be picked up and put on the meat so that the gravy enters the meat on both sides of the meat and the meat becomes soft.

- Now put potatoes in it. Wait five minutes with the lid on. Lower the lid and turn the meat over again. The gravy should be picked up again and again and applied on the meat. Now reduce the heat of the stove a little and wait again with the lid on for five minutes. Repeat this process until you see the meat soften.

- Now add keora water, raisins, one teaspoon of rose water, 8-10 whole green chillies. Pepper will give a very nice flavor. Now cover, wait five minutes. Repeat the same process as before. It takes about 40 minutes to roast the run. When you see the meat is done, take the meat out with a flat bowl. Spread the gravy over the meat. At the end of it, put onion barista on it, if you want you can also give some almond kernels.

Funny Khasir run roast was made. It can be eaten with polao, parota, naan but it will be great fun!

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