Stuffed mozzarella fried chicken for breakfast in the afternoon

 Come on, I don't know a fun recipe to eat for breakfast this afternoon, which can be eaten while talking to everyone, young and old, over tea.

Mozzarella stuffed fried chicken breast recipes


  1.     Chicken breast meat - 1 pound
  2.     Cut the mozzarella cheese into pieces - 2 cups
  3.     White bread crumb - 1 packet
  4.     Garlic powder (available in super shops) - 1 tbsp
  5.     Dried basil - 1 tbsp
  6.     Dried parsley - 1 tbsp
  7.     Salt - 1 tablespoon
  8.     Parmesan cheese - 1/2 cup
  9.     Flour - 1/2 cup
  10.     Eggs - 2

Stuffed fried chicken breast recipes

- First cut the chicken meat with a finger and make a hole in the middle with a knife to give the cheese stuffing.

- Now fill the mozzarella cheese in a piece of meat.

- In a bowl, mix all the bread crumbs with garlic powder, basil, parsley, salt, and parmesan.

- Break the egg. Spread the chicken pieces on the flour first, soak in the beaten eggs and finally spread the bread crumbs on the oil in the oven. Fold back and forth.

Serve with tomato ketchup or chili sauce.

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