A fun biryani that has nothing to do with it, can only be served with a salad. You can keep borhani with you if you want, otherwise there is no problem. This material can serve 5-6 people.

Shrimp biryani materials


Best shrimp biryani  with coconut milk recipe

For cooking shrimp

  1. - Half a kilo of medium size shrimp
  2. - Half a cup of chopped onion
  3. - Half a cup of onion paste
  4. - 1 teaspoon of ginger paste
  5. - 1 teaspoon of garlic paste
  6. - 1 teaspoon of chili powder
  7. - 1 teaspoon of cumin powder
  8. - Half a teaspoon of hot spice powder
  9. - 2 cups of coconut milk (if you don't have coconut milk, you can make it with powdered milk or cow's milk)
  10. - Salt to your taste
  11. - 2 tablespoons of oil or ghee
  12. - 1 teaspoon of sugar

For cooking biryani

  1. - 2 cups of basmati or polao rice
  2. - 5-6 green chillies
  3. - 4 white cardamoms
  4. - 3-4 cinnamon sticks
  5. - 2 bay leaves
  6. - 7-8 whole peppers
  7. - 2 cloves
  8. - Few nuts of choice
  9. - 1 tablespoon of oil
  10. - 1 tablespoon of ghee
  11. - Like the amount of onion barista
  12. - A few raisins
  13. - Like the amount of salt
  14. - 4 cups of hot water

Shrimp biryani method

(1) First wash the shrimp well, sprinkle with water and add a little salt. Heat oil in a pan and lightly fry the shrimps. Do not fry too much, it will become hard.

(2) Then heat the oil and fry it with onion paste and add all the bata and powdered spices with it. Add half a cup of water and add coconut milk.

(3) When it boils, cover it with the shrimps and cook over medium heat.

(4) Now heat oil in a pot and stir fry with hot spices and rice frequently. Continue to fry with green chillies, almonds and raisins.

(5) If the rice is well fried, the polao becomes crispy. When the rice turns a little white, you will understand that it is fried, cover it with hot water and salt and let it boil.

(6) Now when the water in the rice is dry and reduced, mix the shrimps with the broth carefully. Now lower the stove. Check the salt after a while, sprinkle on top if needed.

(6) Then when the water is completely dry, shake it lightly once again, cover it with onion and ghee and keep it under low heat. Do not open the lid, turn off the stove after 15-20 minutes. Busy, fun shrimp biryani was made.

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