Mutton korma is great for bringing water to the tongue at lunch or dinner table. But let's learn how to cook mutton korma.

Mutton korma materials


mutton korma recipe step by step

  1.     Khasir meat - half a kg
  2.     Onion - 2 large (crushed)
  3.     Onion paste - 2 tablespoons
  4.     Ginger and garlic paste - 1 tbsp
  5.     Saffron - 1 pinch
  6.     Milk - 1 tablespoon
  7.     Salt - to taste
  8.     Fresh cream - 2 tablespoons
  9.     Cashew nut paste - 1 tbsp
  10.     Yogurt - 1/2 cup
  11.     Coriander powder - 1 teaspoon
  12.     Hot spices - 1 teaspoon
  13.     Oil - 2 tablespoons
  14.     Light hot water - 1 cup
  15.     Pepper-7/8

Mutton korma method

Soak saffron in 1 teaspoon of milk for about half an hour. Clean the meat well. However, do not wash in water for a long time, then the taste is lost. Now mix yoghurt, coriander powder, cashew paste, onion paste, ginger and garlic paste and salt to taste and leave for about 2 hours. Once marinated, heat the oil in a pot. Add chopped onion. Fry well on medium heat for 4-5 minutes.

Serve with marinated meat. Cook for about 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Let the meat come out of the water and let the spices dry. Now mix it with hot spice powder, saffron soaked in milk and salt as required. Now let the meat be cooked well. When the meat is half cooked, add fresh cream and green chillies. When applying the cream, reduce the flame completely or turn it off completely.

Now mix it well with light hot water and cook on low heat for 30 minutes. But shake occasionally. Now see if the meat is cooked well. Serve when the meat is cooked.


(1) If you want, you can add chilli powder in it. Then of course the color will change a little.

(2) You can also cook in a pressure cooker to save time if you want. However, the quality of meat varies from time to time. Sometimes it is perfect in a short time, sometimes it takes a long time. So if you do not understand the quality of meat, it is better not to cook in a pressure cooker. Korma is better if the meat is too melted

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