Sweet and sour chicken wings are not bad if you want to cook something fun in a short time. This delicious item on the holiday dining table will be enjoyed by the adults starting from the sweetheart of the house. Sweet and sour chicken wings can be served with fried rice or polao.

Sweet and sour chicken wings materials


Sweet and sour chicken wings

  1.     12 chicken wings (remove the skin from the wings, cut off the top and make a lollipop)
  2.     Ginger paste 1 tbsp
  3.     1 tablespoon of garlic paste
  4.     2 tablespoons of soy sauce
  5.     Paprika powder or red chilli powder to taste
  6.     Salt to taste fried
  7.     For oil frying
  8.     Corn Flower 4 tablespoons
  9.     Gravy ingredients
  10.     1 cup of tomato sauce,
  11.     1/2 teaspoon vinegar
  12.     1 cup sweet and sour sauce
  13.     1/2 teaspoon black pepper powder
  14.     2 large onion pieces
  15.     1 teaspoon ginger paste
  16.     1 teaspoon garlic paste
  17.     A little sugar
  18.     Salt to taste
  19.     Pepper-2/3
  20.     Coriander leaves-
  21.     Corn Flower-1 teaspoon

Sweet and sour chicken wings method

The first step is to smear the wings with all the ingredients except oil. Then deep fry in oil.

Step-2- First heat the same amount of oil in a pan and lightly fry with ginger and garlic paste and onion paste. Then stir in the capsicum and tomato for a while and continue to stir in the sugar, salt, pepper, vinegar and sauce. Once the vegetables are fried and all the ingredients are mixed together, mix it with the wings. Dissolve a little corn flower in water. Take down with chilli and coriander leaves.

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