If you have any kind of snacks with sweet and sour sauce, the breakfast table will be full! We all love sweet chili sauce. But the price of the sauce bought from outside is very high, again the question remains about its quality. But do not go without the sauce with frying! Again there are many like me who just like to eat sweet chili sauce. This sauce can be easily made at home. And once you make it, you can save it for a long time. Let's not know the easy recipe to make sweet chili sauce without hesitation!

How to make sweet chili sauce

Materials Of Sweet Chili Sauce

    Ripe red pepper - 5
    Vinegar or white vinegar - 1/3 cup
    Salt- a little
    Sugar - 1/2 cup
    Garlic - 3 cloves
    Corn Flower - 1 tablespoon
    Pepper powder - 1/2 teaspoon

Preparation method Of  Sweet Chili Sauce

1) First mix water with vinegar as needed so that the amount is one cup! Now mix sugar in it and keep it on medium heat.

2) Cut the garlic and chillies into pieces and blend for a while in a blender. If you want, you can take it by crushing it well on the floor. You can throw away the pepper seeds and keep them again.

3) Now add it to the vinegar mixture and mix well. After a while you will get a very nice smell of garlic. Reduce heat to low.

4) Mix corn flower with two tablespoons of water in a small bowl. Then pour in the roasted corn flower sauce. This will make the sauce sticky!

5) Then add a small amount of salt and pepper powder. Stir very well so that all the ingredients blend well.

6) Wait until the ball comes. Then the sauce becomes thick and transparent and actually turn off the oven.

6) Now cool the sweet chili sauce and store it in a jar in the fridge. Yes, in a short time the fun sauce was ready!

You see, it can be made quickly with the materials at hand! From now on, there is no compromise on taste and quality, make delicious sweet chili sauce at home like a restaurant. Great for fried chicken, samucha, rolls or any snack. Then make sweet chili sauce today without hesitation!

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