You must enjoy some fun food during this cold winter, which will warm your body, be nutritious and be very enjoyable. That's why I brought you a very simple and fun Chinese chicken corn soup recipe.


Ingredients for making Chinese Chicken Corn Soup

  1.     1 fresh corn or can of corn (can be found in any supermarket)
  2.     Chicken breast meat
  3.     Garlic
  4.     Onion
  5.     The amount of water
  6.     2 tablespoons butter / soybean oil / olive oil
  7.     2 tablespoons onion leaves
  8.     1/2 teaspoon black pepper powder
  9.     1/4 white chilli powder (optional, even if not given)
  10.     1 teaspoon soy sauce
  11.     Salt to taste
  12.     1 egg
  13.     2 tablespoons cornflower
  14.     1 tablespoon lemon juice

Chinese chicken corn soup recipe

1) The seeds on fresh corn should be removed with a knife. It should be boiled well with water so that it becomes soft. And if the can is corn, then it does not need to be boiled.

2) Then 1 cup amount of corn should be blended well in a blender without any water. And 1 tablespoon amount of corn should be kept separate without blending.

3) Make chicken stock: Put half the meat of a chicken breast in the pot, add 2 cloves of garlic, medium size onion, cut into large slices and 4 cups of water - all should be boiled very well. When cooked well, you will see a fat of chicken floating on the water. Fat should be removed with a spoon. Then strain the chicken stock through a sieve over the bowl. The soup will be cooked with this chicken stock. Now take the boiled chicken and thinly remove the whole meat with a chopped spoon (shredded). You can leave the remaining onion and garlic for other purposes.

4) Now take 2 tablespoons of butter in a pot. Melt the butter and mix it with 2 tablespoons of onion leaves, leftover chicken, blended corn and whole corn. Now add the chicken stock water. Now you have to give black chilli powder, white chilli powder, soy sauce and salt to taste. Now shake them well and cook for a while. When you see the bulk come up, pour a beaten egg gently and keep stirring quickly. Now mix 2 tablespoons of cornflower in water. Continue to cook until the soup is thick. Now add lemon juice. When it becomes thick, shake it down.

Lots of fun hot chicken corn soup made.

Oh! Another thing is to cut 2-3 green chillies into thin rounds and soak them with vinegar in a small bowl with 1/2 teaspoon of salt and serve nicely with tomato ketchup in another bowl and enjoy the restaurant style fun while sitting at home.

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