Vitamin C is said to increase the body's resistance to disease. As we know, oranges or malt are rich in vitamin C. It also has many other nutrients including vitamin A, fiber, calcium, vitamin B6! Tasty and healthy orange smoothies can be easily made at home with a few ingredients. No extra sugar is added to this smoothie made with all the nutritious ingredients. So it is an ideal drink for everyone of all ages. Take a look at the whole process of making orange smoothie without hesitation!


Rules for making orange smoothies

Orange smoothie ingredients

  1.     Malta or orange - 2
  2.     Tokadai - 4 tablespoons
  3.     Banana - 1
  4.     Honey - 2 teaspoons
  5.     Powdered milk - 2 teaspoons

Orange smoothie recipe

1) This smoothie can be made with orange or malt, whatever you have on hand! You can use juice or puree. Or you can cut it into small pieces.

2) In a blender, blend banana, tokadai and powdered milk for one minute. The mixture will be quite smooth and creamy!

3) Now blend with orange and honey again for thirty seconds. You can also add half a cup of cold water if you want.

4) Then strain through a sieve and pour into a glass and serve.

Yes, the fun drink was made in a short time and hassle-free! Orange smoothies use several ingredients in addition to oranges. Tocai helps in digestion and controls weight. Honey has an effective role in reducing colds and coughs and keeping the heart healthy. And bananas also have many health benefits. So this drink can be included in the daily diet! Remember, eating a moderate amount of nutritious food can help you stay away from illness. Stay well, keep well.

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