There are very few people in Bangladesh who do not like hilsa fish. We eat various items of hilsa fish. Especially during the first Baishakh. In addition, throughout the year, we have various items of Hilsa in our daily food or in any special event. So for all of you today I brought a different dish of hilsa fish. You can also eat this recipe by frying it or by cooking it on steam. Either way it’s pretty fun. Today we will tell you how to cook hilsa paturi with different taste.


Method of making hilsa paturi of different taste


  1.     Hilsa fish - 4 pieces
  2.     Pumpkin leaves - 4 pieces
  3.     Tomato paste - 1/2 cup
  4.     Coriander leaf paste - 1 tbsp
  5.     Ginger paste - 1 teaspoon
  6.     Garlic paste - 1 teaspoon
  7.     Onion paste - 1 tablespoon
  8.     Salt- to taste
  9.     Raw chilli paste- to taste
  10.     Oil-rich

Preparation method

(1) Cut and wash hilsa fish.

(2) Now put the tomatoes in a bowl.

(3) Then place the coriander leaves and green chillies on the legs separately.

(4) Now spread tomato paste, coriander leaf paste, green chilli paste, ginger, garlic, onion paste on one foot.

(5) Now spread the hilsa pieces well in this smeared material.

(6) Then take one pumpkin leaf and mix it well with the pumpkin leaves. Take the leaf like a doll and stick it to the face with a thread or toothpick.

(6) In this way, wrap the rest of the grated fish in pumpkin leaves and fry in deep oil on medium heat. When frying, make sure that it does not get burnt and the fish inside is also fried properly.

This is how the hilsa paturi of different taste became. Easily cook different flavored hilsa paturi and serve hot with rice, polao or khichuri.


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