Chicken teriyaki can be served with fried rice at noon. You can try this tasty chicken teriyaki at home. Take a look at the whole process.

                        Tasty chicken teriyaki recipe

Tasty chicken teriyaki recipe

Chicken teriyaki materials

  1.     Boneless chicken: 1 cup
  2.     Flour: 1 cup
  3.     Pepper powder: half a cup
  4.     Garlic powder: half a teaspoon
  5.     Ginger powder: half a teaspoon
  6.     Paprika: 1 teaspoon
  7.     The amount of oil
  8.     Brown sugar: half a cup
  9.     Soy sauce: half a cup
  10.     Sesame: 1 tbsp. Spoon
  11.     Chillies: 1 p.m. Spoon
  12.     Lemon juice: 1 teaspoon
  13.     Ginger powder: Ginger teaspoon
  14.     Salt: to taste

Chicken teriyaki method

First, fry the chicken pieces with flour, garlic, ginger powder, black pepper, salt and paprika and fry them in hot oil. In another pan, spread soy sauce, brown sugar, sesame seeds, chillies, lemon juice and fried chicken with ginger paste and serve.

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