I have been watching since childhood, one of the important tasks of my mother in hot weather is to force all our siblings to drink lemonade every day. Why? Lemons have a lot of vitamin C! And this vitamin C protects us from various diseases by preventing seasonal diseases. But tell me, do you like to drink so much lemonade every day? So, I thought if a little new test can be brought, then I am happy and Mao is happy! Take a look at the new lemon strawberry juice recipe!

How to make strawberry lemonade juice 

how to make strawberry lemonade at home

Ingredients for making lemon strawberry juice

  1.     Cold water - 1 glass
  2.     Lemon - 1
  3.     Beet salt - 1/4 teaspoon
  4.     Sugar - 3/4 teaspoon
  5.     Strawberries - 2, thinly sliced
  6.     Ice cubes - quantitatively

Preparation method

1. First take a glass of water in a blender and blend it with a whole lemon juice and half a strawberry slice, sugar, a bit of salt.

2. Now pour this juice in a glass and stir the remaining half of the strawberry slices with a spoon. You will see that a very beautiful color has come.

Here, lemon strawberry juice is made! Serve chilled by arranging a red strawberry slice and lemon slice in a glass of juice! So, you can make this spicy lemon strawberry juice to be a little satisfied with the heat. Hopefully there is vitamin C in lemons and strawberries so you can easily increase immunity. Such a combination of taste and well-being is not found anywhere else. Make sure you make this drink and don't forget to let us know!

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