Bengalis who do not like to eat khichuri can not be found! On the day when khichuri is cooked at home, everyone in the family, big or small, eats with fun. Different regional forms of khichuri can be seen in different places. Let's start today with a little history! The Greek ambassador Seleucus noted in his writings that pulses mixed with rice were very popular in the Indian subcontinent. Afnasii Niktin Khichuri, a Russian tourist who visited the Indian subcontinent in the 15th century, describes Nikitin Khichuri in his writings. In the Mughal kitchen, Emperor Jahangir's favorite special kind of khichuri was made with mugdal, pesta and raisins. Then you can understand, the relationship of Bengalis with Khichuri since ancient times! Khichuri is always cooked in the same style at home. You can try mugdal khichuri in panchphond to bring a little difference in taste. Mugdal's combination with boiling gives a very nice flavor to khichuri. Let's not see the whole recipe of this khichuri!

Mugdal khichuri cooking method in five forks

khichdi of moong dal in panch phoran recipe bengali style


  1. Polaway rice - 2 cups
  2. Fried Mugdal - 1 cup
  3. Onion sprouts - 2 tablespoons
  4. Chili slices - 5-6
  5. Panchphondan - 1 tablespoon
  6. Cumin powder - 1 teaspoon
  7. Coriander powder - 1/2 teaspoon
  8. Turmeric powder - 1 teaspoon
  9. Ginger paste - 2 teaspoons
  10. Garlic paste - 1 teaspoon
  11.  Bay leaves - 2
  12. Salt - Quantitative
  13.  Oil - 2 tablespoons
  14.  Ghee - 2 teaspoons
  15. Hot water - 8 cups
  16. Onion barista- for sorting

Mugdal's khichuri method

1) First heat the oil in a large pan. When the light is a little hot, you have to add panchphondana and bay leaves.

2) Now fry one by one in that oil with onion, green chilli slices, polao rice and mugdal.

3) Then mix well with ginger paste and garlic paste.

4) When cooking, add turmeric powder, cumin powder, salt and coriander powder. Remove all the spices over medium heat with a little water.

5) Now add enough water so that the rice and pulses are well cooked. Cover with a lid and cook.

6) Wait 15-20 minutes, open the lid and see if the water is drawn. If there is a little water, it should be kept under low heat.

6) If you spread ghee on top before keeping it down, you will get a very nice flavor in khichuri. Leave it to simmer for 5 minutes and turn off the stove, it will make the khichuri crumble.

Busy, hot hot khichuri ready! Now it's time to spread the onion barista on top and serve. Khichuri is easy to digest and is suitable for people of all ages. In fact, Bengalis do not need any reason or occasion to eat khichuri! So, if you have the ingredients at hand, try Mugdal's khichuri in great taste today.

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