Semai is a very well known and popular dessert. Have you ever tried semai with oats? The name may sound new, but it's a fun and nutritious dish! We all know about the health benefits of oats now. Those who are controlling their weight and accustoming themselves to a healthy diet should have oats in their diet. However, oats do not mean that you have to eat it soaked in milk for breakfast every day! It can be used to make a lot of fun food. Let's not know, the easiest recipe to make oats semai!

How to make oats semai

Healthy Oats semai recipe with milk


  1.     Oats - 1 cup
  2.     Semai - 1 cup
  3.     Sugar - 1/2 cup
  4.     Ghee - 2 tablespoons
  5.     Liquid milk - 500 gms
  6.     Milk powder - 2 tablespoons
  7.     Bay leaves, cinnamon - 2 each
  8.     Cardamom powder- a little
  9.     Almonds and raisins - for garnish

Oats semai method

1) First fry oats and almonds separately in a dry pan.

2) Now heat ghee in a pan and put semai in it. Lightly fry the semai and keep it. As soon as the color of semai turns brown, you will understand that it has been fried!

3) Then you have to give fuel in liquid milk. Wait for it to thicken with cinnamon and bay leaves.

4) When the milk boils well, add semai and sugar fried with ghee. Reduce the heat of the stove and stir well.

5) Then add oats. The mixture will thicken after giving oats.

6) Now you have to mix it with powdered milk. This will further enhance the taste of semai.

6) Finally, turn off the stove by spreading a little cardamom powder. Now pour the oats semai in the serving bowl and garnish with almonds and raisins on top.

You see, in a short time and without any hassle, a healthy dessert was made! It is better to keep oats semai in the fridge and eat it cold. Fasting ahead, this dessert will go well with Iftar or Seheri. For those who are avoiding sugar for weight control, they can also make it with honey.

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