Fun snack chicken garlic for afternoon snacks or entertaining guests! Learn the whole process of making chicken garlic for the convenience of cooking.


Healthy garlic chicken recipe easy method


  1.  4 breast pieces and 4 leg pieces of chicken
  2.     10 to 12 cloves garlic
  3.     1 tablespoon garlic paste
  4.     1 onion chopped
  5.     4 green chillies
  6.     1 tablespoon dried chilli powder
  7.     1 cup of beaten yogurt
  8.     2 to 3 tablespoons mint leaves
  9.     2 to 3 tablespoons coriander leaves
  10.     1 lemon
  11.     Oil as needed
  12.     Salt to taste

Chicken garlic recipe

- Heat 2 tbsp oil in a pan.

- When the oil is hot, put garlic in it. Shake lightly and add all the chicken pieces. Lightly fry the chicken.

- When it turns red, add onion, garlic and green chillies one by one. Mix all the spices and cook on low heat.

- When it is cooked, pour the curd and add a lemon chip.

- Mix yoghurt and lemon well with cooked chicken and add dried chilli powder, coriander leaves and mint leaves.

- Yogurt is usually cooked with its own water. But if you think you need a little more water, cover it with a little water.

- When the water is dry, your garlic chicken is ready

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