Today's recipe also includes a fun saffron polao. Take a look at the whole process of making saffron polao.

 Hyderabadi zafrani pulao and  Saffron polao recipe

Hyderabadi zafrani pulao and  Saffron polao recipe



  1.     4 cups of polao rice
  2.     Ghee 1/2 cup
  3.     2 tablespoons of onion paste
  4.     Cinnamon pieces
  5.     4 cardamoms
  6.     2 cloves
  7.     Ginger paste 2 teaspoons
  8.     Half a teaspoon of jaggery powder
  9.     Keora 1 tablespoon
  10.     4 teaspoons of saffron (soaked in keora / water)
  11.     1 tablespoon of powdered milk
  12.     8 cups of boiling hot water
  13.     Salt to taste
  14.     A few green peppers


1. Put cinnamon pieces, cardamom, cloves with ghee in a pan. Now fry it light red with onion paste, stir a little with ginger paste and put it on the stove. Stir and cook for 4 to 5 minutes and add jaitri powder and keora. Now add 8 cups of boiled water and powdered milk and salt to taste. Add a few green chillies on top. Cook for 5 minutes.

2. Now reduce the heat of the stove and push it. In this way, after 15 to 20 minutes, open the lid and you will see that the water has dried up. Now sprinkle the saffron soaked in keora / water on top of this polao. You can keep it down for 5 minutes by applying pressure.

3. You can garnish with sliced ​​eggs during serving.

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