In our busy lives we need nutritious and delicious food recipes that can be made instantly. Those who follow a healthy food chart must have oats in their regular diet. The same complaint is heard again and again, it does not feel good to eat! But we should all put oats on our daily food list. Because it has healthy fiber, protein and many more nutrients. How do you cook oats that are tasty, you think about it? No worries! You can easily cook fun oats khichuri with different types of vegetables. You will get taste and nutrition together. And so we all like khichuri. Then find out, the easiest recipe to cook nutritious oats khichuri!

Oats khichdi cooking method


  1.     Oats - 1 cup
  2.     Mugdal - 1/2 cup
  3.     Carrots cut into pieces - 1/2 cup
  4.     Broccoli pieces - 1 cup
  5.     Peas - 1/2 cup
  6.     Tomato paste - 2 teaspoons
  7.     Garlic paste - 1 teaspoon
  8.     Chili slices - 5 pieces
  9.     Ginger paste - 1 teaspoon
  10.     Salt- to taste
  11.     Turmeric powder - 1 teaspoon
  12.     Cumin powder - 1/2 teaspoon
  13.     Coriander leaves - 2 teaspoons
  14.     Oil - 1 teaspoon
  15.     Hot spice powder - 1 teaspoon

Oats khichdi recipe

1) First lightly place the oats and mugdal in a dry pan. The khichuri test is good.

2) Heat oil in a large pan and add garlic paste, turmeric powder, ginger paste, cumin powder and salt. Since very little oil has been used, the spice should be added with a little water.

3) Now cut the carrots, broccoli and peas and mix well with the spices.

4) Add water to the fried oats and mugdal and cover with a lid. If you want to eat thin khichuri, then you have to give a little more water.

5) Reduce the heat of the oven and cook. Pull the water a little and actually add the green chilli slices, tomato paste, coriander leaves and hot spice powder and simmer again for some time.

6) Check if the vegetables and pulses are cooked. If the density of khichuri is to your liking, remove it from the oven.

Busy, hot oats khichuri was made with vegetables! If you want, spread a little lemon juice on top. You see, you can quickly make this dish in a very simple recipe. This recipe is perfect for those who are dieting or trying to lose excess weight.

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