Serve white polao or biryani with egg korma. Great to eat and also quite easy to cook. So let's learn the fun egg korma making technique.

 Egg korma with polao materials

Fun egg korma with polao recipe

  1. - 4 boiled eggs
  2. - Half a cup of onion sprouts
  3. - 1 tablespoon of onion paste
  4. - Half a teaspoon of ginger paste
  5. - Half a teaspoon of garlic paste
  6. - 1 tablespoon of sour yogurt
  7. - Half a cup of coconut milk or cow's milk
  8. - 3-4 green chillies
  9. - Half a teaspoon of cumin powder
  10. - 3 cardamoms
  11. - 1 bay leaf
  12. - 2 pieces of cinnamon
  13. - 1 teaspoon of almond paste
  14. - A little sugar
  15. - 2 tablespoons of oil
  16. - Tastes like salt

 Egg korma with polao method

(1) First heat the oil in a pan and fry the boiled eggs lightly browned with a little turmeric and salt. Fry with a little turmeric, the color of the egg is nice, but do not give more.

(2) Then fry the oil in the oil with cardamom, bay leaves and cinnamon. When the onion is soft, add onion paste, ginger, garlic, green chillies, cumin powder and salt.

(3) Now add well-beaten sour curd and almond paste and cook on low heat for 2 minutes with milk.

(4) Now shake well with eggs and sugar, cover with a lid and cook on low heat for 10 minutes. When it is smeared, remove it.

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