Today's recipe for those who have not yet had the good fortune to taste the royal rezala of chicken. Although it is very tasty to eat, this chicken Shahi Rezala recipe is easy!  

 Shahi chicken  materials

chicken shahi rezala recipe

  1.     1 kg of chicken
  2.     Half a cup of onion sprouts
  3.     1 tablespoon of onion paste
  4.     Half a cup of tokadai
  5.     Ginger paste and a half teaspoons
  6.     1 teaspoon of garlic paste
  7.     1 teaspoon of chilli powder
  8.     Poppy seed paste 2 teaspoons
  9.     2 teaspoons of almond paste
  10.     4 white cardamoms
  11.     Bay leaves at 2 p.m.
  12.     4-5 green chillies
  13.     Ghee 3 tablespoons
  14.     Half a cup of mawa
  15.     Keora half a teaspoon of water
  16.     Salt to taste
  17.     Like the amount of hot water

 Shahi chicken method

(1) First heat ghee in a pan and add cardamom and bay leaves, then lightly fry the meat with chopped onion and fry it a little with salt.

(2) Then add onion paste, ginger, garlic paste, almond paste, chilli powder and mix well. Beat the tokadai well in a bowl. When the water is almost dry, cover it with sour curd and cook on low heat for some time.

(3) When the broth is dry, give hot water for the broth. When the water boils, cover it with poppy seed paste. When the broth is reduced, add raw chilli, keora water and mawa at the end of the day.

(4) Now cover and cook on low heat for some time. If the broth is thick as desired, sprinkle 1 teaspoon of ghee on it and take it down. Yes, delicious Shahi Chicken Rezala was made.


Sprinkle almond crumbs on top with hot polao and serve Shahi Chicken Rezala. This device can serve 5-6 people.

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