We Bengalis are a food-loving nation. If there is no dessert after the huge bhuri feast, the feast should remain incomplete. So today I will share with you a Spanish dessert 'Milk Fried'. Crispy on the outside and soft desserts on the inside. Let's take a look at what it takes to make Milk Fried.

  1.     200 mg milk
  2.     2 tablespoons sugar
  3.     3 cubes butter
  4.     50 grams cornflower
  5.     1 egg
  6.     Nutmeg powder (nutmeg) in small quantities
  7.     Bread crumbs (for coating)
  8.     The amount of oil (for frying)
  9.     Cinnamon powder (to serve)
  10.     White sugar (to serve)


- In a medium pan, mix all the ingredients including milk, sugar, corn flour, butter, nutmeg powder in phases. (Cornflower should be mixed slowly so that no bubbles appear in the mixture.)

- Now place the pan with the mixture on the stove and cook over medium heat and keep stirring frequently until the mixture becomes a thick paste. Be careful not to burn the mixture. When the mixture is like a thick paste, remove from the oven.

- Now keep the thick paste to cool slightly. Spread the wrapping paper in another bowl and pour the thick paste over it. Now wrap the mixture well with wrapping paper. Leave the mixture wrapped in wrapping paper with the bowl in the fridge for 2 to 3 hours.

- Take out the paste from the fridge after 2 hours. Notice that the paste has frozen like yeast. Now cut the yeast into a few medium sized pieces with a knife.

- Beat eggs in another bowl. Spread the pieces with beaten egg and apply bread crumbs on it.

- Then deep fry over medium heat until the pieces are golden or brown in color.

- Diameter, when fried, milk fried. Sprinkle with cinnamon powder and white sugar while serving

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