Fish is the most favorite food of our Bengalis. We make fish an item in everything from different occasions to weddings, birthdays. Moreover, we have more or less fish items in our daily diet. Today we will show you the recipe of Rui fish in ginger juice, a delicious item of fish. So let's see how to make rui fish with ginger juice.

Rui fish cooking method with ginger juice


  1.     Rui fish pieces - 6 pieces
  2.     Turmeric powder - 1 teaspoon
  3.     Chili powder - 1/2 teaspoon
  4.     Onion sprouts - 1 cup
  5.     Raw chilli falikara - 5
  6.     Cumin powder - 1/2 teaspoon
  7.     Coriander powder - 1/2 teaspoon
  8.     Salt - Quantitative
  9.     Coriander leaves - 1/2 teaspoon
  10.     Oil- quantity
  11.     Ginger juice - 2 teaspoons
  12.     Lemon leaves - 3

Rui fish recipe

1. First I will wash the fish pieces, add turmeric powder, chilli powder and salt and leave it for a while.

2. Then heat oil in a pan and fry the fish in it

3. When it is fried, I will take the fish down

4. Now I will brown the onion with hot oil

5. When it is folded, I will keep half the folded onion

6. The remaining onions should be cooked one by one with turmeric powder, chilli powder, raw chilli flakes, cumin powder, coriander powder, salt and a little water.

7. When the water is low, I will put the folded fish in it and cook it with ginger juice and a little more water on low heat.

8. Then give with lemon leaves

9. When done, I will serve it with the rest of the folded onion and coriander leaves

You see, how easily the fun ginger juice rui fish was made. This fun dish can be made for any occasion, hospitality or family.

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