Shrimp with cheese! Ever eaten? But it is a very popular food in western countries. How many items of shrimp do you eat in the restaurant? How about making a different kind of shrimp item at home today. Everyone in the family will see and eat your new recipe with great fun. Today I shared with you the recipe of how to make Shrimp with Cream Cheese.

Best Shrimp with cream cheese recipe

Whatever it takes to marinate the shrimp

  1.     250 grams of shrimp or shrimp
  2.     2 tablespoons garlic cloves
  3.     1 teaspoon chilli powder
  4.     1/4 teaspoon red chilli powder
  5.     1 tablespoon olive oil

Everything you need to make cream cheese

  1.     1.5 cups chicken stock
  2.     1 1/2 cups liquid milk
  3.     1 cup white shader cheese
  4.     1 tablespoon butter

Which is needed to cook the shrimp

  1.     1 large onion
  2.     Red capsicum cut into small cubes in half
  3.     3 tablespoons lemon juice
  4.     1 tablespoon olive oil or soybean oil
  5.     Coriander buds


1.Mix all the ingredients for marinade with shrimp and leave for half an hour.

2. To make cream cheese, take chicken stock in a pot and mix it with milk and boil it. Once it boils, reduce the heat and keep stirring for 15-20 minutes.

3. When the mixture thickens, add a little bit of cheese and keep stirring till it is completely mixed.

4. Finally add butter and stir again. The cream cheese was made.

5.Now heat a frying pan on low heat and add oil, onion and capsicum one by one, stir for a while.

6. When it is set, fry it with marinated shrimp. Keep stirring until completely roasted. Finally, take down the grated coriander leaves.

7.Shrimp with cream cheese was made. Now take the cream cheese in a bowl and pour the cooked shrimp on it. Sprinkle coriander leaves on top and serve hot. You can also eat this recipe for lunch, dinner or as an appetizer.

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